Happy Monday! We have some light updates in your OneView account and one big announcement about the DEA Updater.

DEA Updater: We are happy to announce that the DEA updater service has been restored as of 1/28! We are now routing DEA verifications through the USDOJ’s new DEA search tool. However, this search requires additional data points that were not previously mandatory in order to obtain a verification; in addition to the provider’s full first and last name, social security number and date of birth are required. To run an official, USDOJ-watermarked verification of a provider’s DEA license, all 4 data points must be stored in the provider’s Personal Info section of OneView. If you do not have the required data points for your provider, we are able to provide an unofficial verification of your provider’s DEA number through the USDOJ Master File. Our updater will default to this search type if either the provider’s social security number or date of birth is missing from their profile. You will be able to tell if a Master File verification has been run by looking at the uploaded PDF, which will not contain any references to the USDOJ or include the USDOJ watermark. 

Modio U: If you missed our webinar “Introduction to OneView 2.0 (OV2)” last week, we have the recording now available on our ModioU page. Don’t forget, we still have tons of new training courses available! Check them out and register here

State License Updaters:

  • Arizona: New integration for pharmacy titles
  • Colorado: Enabled new addiction counselor titles
  • Indiana: Enabled new addiction counselor and social work titles
  • Iowa: New integration for addiction counseling titles
  • Kansas: Enabled new title LMAC 
  • New Mexico: Enabled title LSAA
  • South Carolina: Enabled new title LAC (Licensed Addiction Counselor)
  • Texas: Enabled new chemical dependency and EMT titles
  • Virginia: New integration for miscellaneous titles (HIS, TAT, etc)

The New List:

  • New provider titles/license types: 
    • ACD – Licensed Addiction Counselor
    • CCDP – Certified Co-Occurring Disorders Professional
    • CTA – Certified Treatment Assistant
    • RSS – Recovery Support Specialist
  • New additional ID type “1Life”
  • New classification type “Behavioral Health”
  • New professional organization “Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC)”
  • New additional certification “TCM – Targeted Case Manager”
  • New logins:
    • Steward Health Care
  • New healthcare payors
  • New CME organizations and content types