We’re always thinking of ways to save you time. We’ve added to the profile summary PDF, so that you can now save a copy directly to your providers’ documents section. Look for the icon with the Acrobat logo in your providers’ Summary section to generate the upload, and remember – you can always download a copy to your desktop using the Print icon. (see tutorial on left)
Look out for an email soon, where we will be releasing our newest list of course offerings for 2020.
We’ve also added two new columns for Credentialing Status (pulling from Practice/Employer) and Privileging Status (pulling from Affiliations) to your providers’ profile cards.
You’ll now see new fields in the Facilities report for office hours! Remember that if you’d like to make a change to facilities data, you can always email us at updates@modiohealth.com (mailto:updates@modiohealth.com) with your request.
We’ve had a field for Supervisor available in Licensure for a while, but you’ll now see it available for all Nurse Practitioner type licenses (e.g. AGACNP and WHNP).